Principal Spotlight - January 31, 2025


WHY?  I’ve been asked why so much of the ”Spotlight” focus has been photos and “Ask Your Student” type questions.  Answer:  When adults ask students to describe what’s going on in a photo, or to explain a topic from school, it helps reinforce the movement of important information to the brain’s long-term storage. Some of you have family or friend stories you’ve heard way too many times.  You know it by heart.  That’s long term storage!  So, check out the photos and “happenings” below, and ask your middle schooler about it.  Yes, there’s always some middle school drama we know students will repeat.  We also want them repeating, explaining, and reinforcing useful learning that can last a lifetime. 

GMS students in action

This week, 8th grade classes welcomed Detective Gene Gallant and Captain Jason Burke from the Windham Police Department. As two of Maine’s top crash reconstructionists, they shared topical information about how they investigate crash scenes from using “delta v” to drones. This was a perfect real life connection to our final lab of Designing Crash Cushions to mitigate forces in crashes!

6th graders wrote water cycle stories in science class. Friday, they welcomed 3rd grade visitors. Students got to read to their siblings, cousins and even former teachers. The hot cocoa and popcorn really sweetened the deal!!  Ask a 6th grader to explain the two ways water can leave the earth and head up to the clouds.

Also ask a 6th grader about their country brochure project, the time period of the book they are reading, or about using a double number line.

If you see your student below, ask which new skills they’ve learned!

And a special thank you to 8th grade parent, Abbie Couture, who visited Mrs. Montgomery's 5th period class this week. She shared insights about her work in the criminal justice system, which coincided with the class' study of the Judicial Branch and the Bill of Rights.

 8th? Check this out!

Hey 8th parents and guardians - What is IB? and what do you need to know? IB Info Night.  

Have a best-ever February,

Dr. Monte Selby, GMS 6-8 principal  

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