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Dr. Price Assembly

GMS 6-8 Principal Spotlight 12.6.24

Dr. Linda Price, our guest speaker, shared information and strategies regarding stress management.  Ask your student about a few new ideas they learned. One way to reduce student stress is to help them get organized.  Not all students have found their best way to organize academics, sports, clubs, and social activities.  Have you heard of executive function skills?  A quote from the Harvard University Center on the Developing Child is, “No one is born with executive function skills, but nearly everyone can learn them.”  Check it out, and share ideas with your middle schooler!


students holding hands at sunset
Welcome to Greely Middle School and MSAD #51! It is our pleasure to share information, contacts and resources for an engaging and successful school year. Greely Middle School was opened in September 2004 for students in grades six, seven, and eight. It continues to thrive with an empowering and inspiring middle school staff, and exceptional support from parents. We exist to encourage and support students in the pursuit of personal bests by addressing the unique academic, physical and social needs of this age group. We hope you enjoy reading about us and sharing a bit in the life of our school community. Reach out to either of us whenever we can be of help.
Sincerely, Dr. Monte Selby, Principal & Jason Lariviere, Assistant Principal