Welcome Back!
Over 90%? It’s true! The GMS 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes all reported over 90% of their students attending classes on our first two days back from break. Reminder for 2025: Most students with great attendance experience less anxiety, feel more confident regarding classwork, acquire less homework, have better grades, are more connected to peers, are happier, and learn more!
In the Cafeteria
Thanks to GMS students for listening and following directions during our first day of composting in the cafeteria. Take the online game challenge to see if you know more than your middle schooler. Want to come during lunch for a few days to help direct students as they learn the composting routine? Let Monte ([email protected]) know if you're interested.
Parent’s Invited :: Coffee & Conversation
On Friday, January 10 at 9:00 a.m., parents are welcome to join me for coffee and a very casual conversation about helping middle school students with self-motivation. It’ll be more like storytelling and idea sharing than a lecture! If you’re interested, send me an email at [email protected] so I know how much coffee to make! We’ll meet in the back section of the cafeteria. Thanks,
Dr. Monte Selby, GMS 6-8 principal