GMS 6-8 Principal Spotlight 12.6.24

December is off to a great start!  The full house you see above at today’s assembly includes lots of 7th graders, who had 97% of their class in school today!  Dr. Linda Price, our guest speaker, shared information and strategies regarding stress management.  Ask your student about a few new ideas they learned.

One way to reduce student stress is to help them get organized.  Not all students have found their best way to organize academics, sports, clubs, and social activities.  Have you heard of executive function skills?  A quote from the Harvard University Center on the Developing Child is, “No one is born with executive function skills, but nearly everyone can learn them.”  Check it out, and share ideas with your middle schooler!

Help for the Holidays is Here
The GMS counselors and social workers have compiled an amazing list of resources and supports for families. Thanks team!

In the Classroom

Today students and staff celebrated the many successes from the first trimester with a variety of games, challenges, and fun activities.  


Do you know about the Green Team? Students and staff met after school recently to help plan for the roll-out of composting at GMS in January.  They are ready to make an information video about composting, and would love to have more membersAsk your student if they’d like to join.  It’s a great cause!

This evening at 6:00 p.m., students can attend a movie in the GMS gym.  It brings us to the end of our first week in December.  These next few weeks will be a great time to encourage your student to be prepared for class, keep up with homework, and ask for extra help whenever needed.  We want every student to end strong in 2024! 


Dr. Monte Selby, GMS 6-8 principal

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