Welcome to the GMS Spotlight!
October 28, 2024
40? What’s better than recess on a beautiful day? For some GMS 7th & 8th graders, it’ll be our first dance coming up on November 8th. To make it great, Mr. Libby and Student Council are looking for about 40 parents to volunteer time, donations of pizza, snacks or drinks for the concessions. If you are able to contribute, please drop off your items between 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. at the school. A sign up sheet has been created by the GMS PTO.
Your support is greatly appreciated, and it helps make this event special for our students!
GMS 6-8 in Action?
7th Grade Osprey at Bryant Pond (thanks to Mr. Treadwell for photos)
7th Grade Katahdin at Bryant Pond (thanks to Katahdin Advisors for photos)
Cross Country boys video.
In the Classroom
Fist pump Friday, and the Circus Unit
It’s time! Greely PTO Parent Power Appeal is in full swing. Details >> here <<
Lost & Found? Yes, it’s overflowing. Come look!
As we wind up a beautiful and productive October, my many thanks to all of the students, parents, and GMS staff. Along with the excitement, students and staff have been challenged with a variety of illnesses. Anytime students are healthy, we want them at school! Please take a few minutes to read the Curriculum Corner below, with reminders about the benefits of great attendance. All the best,
Dr. Monte Selby, GMS 6-8 principal
Curriculum Corner
Dear MSAD #51 families,
Periodically I will send out information about curriculum, assessment, and instruction in the District Newsletter. My intention is to provide timely and meaningful content about a variety of topics. This week, I am sharing information on attendance because for students to learn, we need them to be present in school. Please read on to learn more.
Mar-E Trebilcock, Director of Academic Services
The Importance of Good Attendance
Did you know that getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever? It helps to:
- reduce stress
- make it easier to connect with friends and teachers
- support learning
According to Attendance Works, at the secondary level (grades 6-12)
- Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful, and on track to graduation.
- Frequent absences can signal that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with a bully, or facing another difficulty.
- By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
- Missing 10%, or 2 days a month, over the course of the school year, can affect a student’s academic success.
This year we are focusing on our daily attendance rates to make sure that our students are present for learning. You will periodically see updates like this one in The Curriculum Corner of the District Newsletter that are intended to serve as friendly reminders about the importance of school attendance. Each school is equally committed to monitoring their attendance rates and messaging about attendance. We know that tracking how we are doing along the way will help us achieve our attendance goals. Thank you for your help along the way!
But What If My Child Isn’t Feeling Well? Shouldn’t They Stay Home?
Sometimes students are ill and need to stay home, but how can you determine when they are well enough to go to school? Our nurses recommend the Maine Chapter, American Academy Pediatrics guidelines as a resource to help you with your decision making. Check it out here.