GMS 6-8 Principal Spotlight 10.18.2024

Welcome to the GMS Spotlight!

October 18, 2024

100.4 or higher?  Keep reading.  Yes, I usually write about good trends in attendance at GMS, but this week we need to share helpful information from Lora Rolfe, our school RN.

We have lots of illnesses going around school this month including pneumonia, fevers, bronchitis, and long lasting coughs.  So far, GMS has no confirmed cases of pertussisDownload the full Health Guidance for Maine School Children from the Maine chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics here.

When do I keep my student home? 

  • vomiting or frequent diarrhea
  • have a fever of 100.4 or higher
  • have an active persistent cough with excessive phlegm
  • have a draining or blistering rash  

At GMS we encourage 1) opening windows for circulation, 2) frequent hand washing/sanitizing, 3) coughing/sneezing into the elbow, 4) and have masks available upon request.

In the Classroom

With major league baseball playoffs this month, Mr. Caswell’s class has been participating in “Diamond Games.” Cooperation is the focus through baseball, softball, and kickball games. 


You might have heard about the club assembly?  More information here!  Students can contact the advisor with questions, or simply show up for the club.  And a big thanks to the band for their contribution to the assembly.

Next week, we’ll share some amazing photos of students in action!

Dr. Monte Selby, GMS 6-8 principal

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