STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math

Name: Becky Keith

Email address:

What will we be doing in STEM? Below you will find some of the topics we cover in each grade level. All assignments, activities, and notes will be located on Google Classroom.


  • To help students in the exploration of STEM related fields, while developing 21st century skills and realizing their potential for success in STEM careers.

  • Utilizing technology & equipment.

  • Investigating STEM related fields.

  • Designing and building engineering projects.

  • Collaborating together and with others.


    • Duck Tape Challenge: Students use the Engineering Design Process to design a container that holds the most water (volume) using the least amount of tape (SA)

    • Gamestar Mechanic: Students use the EDP to design and analyze their own video games.


    • SketchUp: Students use the EDP to design and create models using the tools of SketchUp.

    • Crime Scene Investigation: Students will follow the scientific method to examine evidence and solve a crime.


    • Forces and Motion: Students use the EDP to examine how forces affect objects in motion.

    • Robotics: Students will use the EDP to design, build and program EV3 robots to complete a specific task.